Alcohol affects different people in a different way. Some of the people often like to enjoy a drink of alcohol occasionally. However, some of the people are not able to control their drinking alcohol habits. Here the problem arises which starts with the uncontrollable desire of consuming alcohol. But that does not mean all the people have alcohol dependency. AT this stage, you need to know that alcohol abuse is different from alcohol dependency.
Alcohol abusers drink too much alcohol and this drinking habit results in a poor decision, poor judgment and risky behavior. But, they are not wholly dependent on consuming alcohol. On the other hand, in alcoholism, one needs to have alcohol daily.
It does not matter whether it is alcohol use and abuse or alcoholism, both are responsible for causing severe health issues resulting in the death of persons. The disorders get sometimes very bad for osteoporosis and cancer. Alcohol abuse also raises problems in diagnosing other health-related severe diseases. It has some really bad effects on the circulatory system, directly affecting the heart of body.
The drinking habits put their health and personal relationship in jeopardize along with affecting their productivity to do any work. There are life threating conditions due to alcohol use and abuse.